Before I start, let me say this is a happy subject! But let us face facts: would we want more stash than we can stitch? Do we want to leave a legacy of unopened projects for our kids to sell at half price or find homes for after we are gone? In these continuing uncertain economic times, we have to be thoughtful with our money. This led me to think that I should be realistic about my stash. Conspicuous consumption with our stash is counterproductive at Christmas time. (Like my alliteration?)
Life Expectancy for females in the developed world is about 77.1 years of age on average. The majority of cross stitchers are female, so I am basing my math on the female stat. Sorry guys! As someone who has a detail driven day job, and a cross stitch addiction, I have just recently come across this term "SABLE". Stash Acquire Beyond Life Expectancy. A month ago, for the first time in my life, I just realized life is too short to stitch something you don't really like...
Let's say for argument's sake, I am 39. Let's say for mathematical sake, that I admit to aging past 39 going forward. And let's say, for argument's sake, I have done a rough calculation that says in my current stash, I have approximately 2630 hours of stitching to finish. Let's also say, that one can reasonably stitch 10 hours/week. So with my current stash, I will be stitching for the next 263 weeks. Which, by that reasoning, I have roughly 5.1 years of stitching already in my possession.
5 years seems a long time to go without acquiring any new patterns!!!! YIKES! Say it isn't so!
And because we all like to count, let's say that statistically I have 77.1-39.6 years to stitch= 37.5 stitching years left. Give or take sewing, frogging, designing, injury, debilitation, holidays, failing eyesight, I have roughly a total of 1950 weeks of stitching left in my life. Roughly 19,500 hours of available stitching. 1950-263=1687 weeks worth of stitching would be how much more stash I could acquire from now on. If I were to spend any of that doing something I don't absolutely love, or would have some value about in the end, well, it would be a waste of my inevitably limited and valuable stitching time. Oh no! Say it isn't so!
I did my annual stash review, and I currently own, have, or intend to, stitch 64 projects. All of which are in one form or another are listed/pictured on this blog. I unloaded a few projects last week, but I think I still have to make some hard decisions. 64 doesn't seem like a lot, but compared to most of my stitching colleagues, but this doesn't count my Stitch by Rachel Pinterest board "Patterns I will Stitch Someday"
here. At least it gives me a way to consciously decide what to have in my stash without coming out like a hoarder....and a reason to update my blog!
Let's truly enjoy our hobby and love what we do. Let's be thankful for all we have, and spend our Christmas budgets on the people who matter the most.